Understanding Special Monthly Compensation-S (SMC-S)
If you’re a disabled veteran with severe disabilities, you may be eligible for a special added monthly payment from the VA called Special Monthly Compensation-S (SMC-S). But what exactly does this benefit provide? This post will explain SMC-S eligibility and how much it pays.
SMC-S Criteria
SMC-S is for veterans who have a single service-connected disability rated 100% disabling AND:
– Have additional service-connected disability(ies) independently rated 60% or more disabling.
– Are permanently housebound by reason of service-connected disability. This means you are substantially confined to your home or immediate premises.
So you must have either a high level of additional disabilities on top of a total rating, or be housebound due to disabilities to potentially qualify for SMC-S.
Monthly Payment Amount
If eligible, SMC-S provides $409 extra per month in 2023. This amount is indexed to the same cost-of-living adjustments as basic VA compensation.
The SMC-S allowance is paid in addition to any other SMC amounts you may be eligible for based on factors like the need for aid and attendance. It can quickly add up to provide significant supplemental income.
Other Considerations
SMC requires you to file a separate claim – it will not be automatically granted by the VA when you are rated 100% disabled. Work with an accredited VA agent or representative to determine your eligibility and submit an application.
The VA may periodically re-evaluate your disabilities to confirm you still meet the rating thresholds for SMC-S. Make sure to stay on top of correspondences and re-exams to avoid any proposal to reduce benefits.
Special monthly compensation can seem confusing, but the additional tax-free allowance can be extremely helpful for disabled veterans with serious conditions. Connect with a VA-accredited advocate to explore your options.